Copyright © 2012 by Derek Leaf . Not to be copied for commercial purposes.  Permission is granted to copy the unaltered, attributed page for non commercial purposes.

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. 2 Cor 5:17

Blog Site

Derek’s Blog which comes out weekly to fortnightly is at -  

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Go to the new more user friendly version -

The Navigators

Turner House

54 The Avenue


SO17 1XQ


The text is all © copyright Derek Leaf 2012 and 2013.  It may not be copied for commercial purposes without permission.

For non commercial purposes, it may be printed or copied in any way you choose.  It is meant as material for groups feel free to use it.


Who Are We?

Many thanks to the copy right owners of the translations used.  It is much appreciated -

Who am I?

Since this is by and large the work of one person, you may want to know a bit about me.

I am Derek Leaf, former leader of the UK Navigator’s Student Ministry.  I am married to Eva and we have 4 children.

Much of my life story appears in the sections on Experiences of faith.

I also write a blog which you can read at

Shuna George.

Three elements of one picture

Father-Creator God

The feet of Him who brings good news.

I will pour out my Spirit upon you.


Contact Us


Most photos are from Serif’s royalty free DVDs.

Some are taken by myself or my son.  All the Elephant photos - Ben Leaf

The following pages have photos used with permission from the photographer.

Aivis Ilsters

The following are from Flicker from photographers willing for photos to be used if the photographer is acknowledged.  Thank you for the privilege of using the photos.

FAQ - Wok (Flickr)

Believing & Faith for life  -

Suffering - Aivis Ilsters

Tried and Failed & Essentials of faith      alefbetac

God’s invitation - Aivis Ilsters

How can I be accepted by God


How do I meet God & Meet God

     boston_camera (Flickr)

How do I do good & Do Good

     Jerad Hill Photographer

How can I be free to love & free to love


Join the family & The family

      Aivis Ilsters

What is Baptism &  Baptism

   Marc McMullan Hamilton NZ

What is communion & Communion


Grow as a Christian - –Tico–

Words for growth - Happy Sleepy

God is approachable    Smiling Jesus

Mercy     Aivis Ilsters

Jesus the man   Travis S

Be Generous - kodamakitty

Who is the Holy Spirit   onishenko-14

Live by the Spirit Devign Elements

Search the Scritputres  Steel Wool

Christ’s return - istolethetv

Prayer - Group    fntr23

Nurture love for God   mystuart

Justice   donsutherland1

Response to suffering - Aivis Ilsters

Truth lies Vinni123-6

World system     sunnyUK

Discussion Dynamics - Wendel F

Purpose2 - alter1fo

Purpose7 kev_bite

Purpose 10 LetAcia Cruz

Disciple & Discipleship - Travis S

Peace with God - from a picture at Redhill Christian Centre.

Origins - Jess Leaf

 In the Disciple Making and Reflection sections  -

Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.  Used by permission of Hodder and Stoughton, a member of Hodder Headline Ltd.

All rights reserved.

“NIV is a registered trademark of International Bible Society.

UK Trademark number 1448790

In the Map of Faith and Beginnings sections -

. Scripture quotations taken from

the  Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation, Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Carol Stream Illinois 60188.  All rights reserved.

Current state of the site -

Site at Version 3.1

This version involves